
We accommodate the constraints and opportunities of employment law

Fact: employment and social security laws are seen as complex, strict and constantly changing.

Our approach: we are convinced that our role is not only to help companies understand and meet their obligations relating to employment and social security law but also and most of all to try and use them to their benefit.

In this spirit, we offer our clients both the expertise necessary to help them implement employment and social security rules and regulations, to understand their risks and to anticipate their disputes and practical advice, suited to their needs, in order to facilitate their handling of human resources and social relationships.


Our main practice areas

  • negotiation and drafting of employment contracts
  • management of termination and dismissal procedures
  • organisation of mobility, posting and expatriation
  • assistance in the event of individual litigation before labour courts
  • election of staff representatives 
  • relationships with staff representatives
  • collective bargaining agreements
  • charters
  • working time schemes
  • assistance in the event of collective disputes (performance of collective agreements, challenge of experts’ reports, etc.)
  • incentive schemes
  • stock options free share allocation plans
  • management of the social aspects of business transfers and mergers
  • contemplated dismissals on economic grounds and employment protection plan (“PSE”) 
  • collective termination by mutual agreement (“RCC”) and collective performance agreement (“APC”)
  • assistance in the event of disputes
  • support during social security audits and URSSAF assessments